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In April, the domestic mainstream market of polyacrylamide was stable and weak

According to the data monitoring of business society, the polyacrylamide commodity index on April 29 was 96.71, down 0.26 points from yesterday, down 13.27% from the highest point 111.51 in the cycle (2021-11-03), and up 16.67% from the lowest point 82.89 on August 2, 2020. (Note: the period refers to the period from April 1, 2019 to now)


Gamma Polyglutamic acid food grade

Commodity price: according to the data monitoring of business agency, on April 29, the mainstream quotation of polyacrylamide (CPAM, cation, molecular weight of 12 million, 10-30 ionic degree) in China’s domestic market was about 15828.57 yuan / ton, down 1.86% from the first day and up 2.56% year-on-year. The production of the enterprise is normal this month, and the market inventory is sufficient; The downstream demand is general. At the moment of strict control of public health events, the transaction is greatly affected by transportation capacity and cost. The shipment pressure of enterprises is doubled. The demand situation continues to be severe. The transaction has been affected. The overall market of polyacrylamide is stable and weak this month.


The market of raw material acrylonitrile stabilized first and then stabilized in April. On the 29th, the market reported about 11560 yuan / ton, down 2.03% from 11800 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month. At present, domestic acrylonitrile plants such as Haijiang and kruer in Shandong continue to shut down, and the domestic acrylonitrile industry starts around 70%. The downstream demand is weak, and the market offer is slightly lower. On the one hand, the supply side continues to be loose compared with the early stage, and the downstream demand support is slightly weaker; On the other hand, the cost is still supported. It is expected that the price of acrylonitrile will mainly be adjusted by shock in the later stage.


Acrylic acid, the raw material, fell first and then rose in the acrylic acid Market in April. On the 29th, the mainstream quotation in East China was about 14333.33 yuan / ton, down 5.66% from 15300 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month. In the first half of the month, the price of raw propylene fluctuated and rose slightly, with certain support on the cost side. Some units were overhauled, but the downstream demand was not followed up enough. End users continued to wait and see, the shipment of goods holders was not smooth, and the price of acrylic acid continued to fall. In the second half of the month, the price of raw propylene moved slightly, the impact on the cost side was limited, the unit operating rate was low, the market supply decreased, the demand side improved, the market trading atmosphere gradually improved, the market trend was mild and good, near the end of the month, the downstream goods were prepared before the festival, the supply was tight, and the acrylic acid market operated strongly. It is expected that the acrylic acid market may be stable in the short term, and more attention should be paid to the market news guidance.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

Liquefied natural gas is used in the production process. According to the data monitoring of business agency, the domestic LNG market first fell and then rose in April, with a V-shaped trend. It was 7374 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month and 7208 yuan / ton at the end of the month. However, the price at the end of the month did not return to the quotation height at the beginning of the month, with a monthly drop of 2.25%. This month, the market entered the consumption off-season from the peak season, the demand was weakened, the impact of recent public health events was superimposed, the logistics was limited, the delivery of liquid plants was poor, the inventory increased, and the liquid prices in many places in China continued to decline in the first ten days. In the middle of the year, with the gradual recovery of logistics, the shipment of liquid plants turned smooth, and after many days of price reduction sales, the inventory of liquid plants will be controllable, and the price will rise tentatively. At the same time, some liquid plants in some regions have maintenance plans, there is support on the supply side, and the domestic liquid market is rising. Near the end of the month, the stock pressure of the liquid plant is not strong, the price reduction and inventory arrangement operation is not strong, and the price continues to rise moderately due to cost support. During the May Day holiday, the logistics is limited, and the domestic liquid price is expected to be mainly adjusted.


Future forecast: affected by the strict control of public health events, the problem of blocked market delivery and transportation will continue in the short term. The cost of raw materials fell slightly, the spot inventory in the market was sufficient, and the demand and transaction slowed down. In order to promote the realization, the market supply price has been reduced. It is expected that the polyacrylamide market will remain stable in the future, supplemented by a slight weakness.

In April, the domestic market of natural rubber was generally weak

According to the monitoring of business society, in April, the domestic natural rubber (standard 1) in China’s East China market was generally weak and volatile, and rebounded slightly at the end of the month: the mainstream of the domestic market reported about 13110 yuan / ton on the 1st, and the main report of 12512 yuan / ton on the 29th, with a monthly decrease of 4.56% and a year-on-year decrease of 6.68% at the end of the month. Among them, the highest price of this month is 13150 yuan / ton on the 1st, and the lowest price is 12260 yuan / ton on the 25th, with a maximum amplitude of 6.77%.


Gamma Polyglutamic acid Cosmetic

Figure 4: K-bar chart of natural rubber market week in April 2022


Industry analysis: macroscopically, domestic public health events have a wide impact, affecting the supply of raw materials, circulation and sales of finished products; Internationally, the global economic growth rate is expected to be lowered. Supply side: the recent light rain in Thailand has little impact on rubber cutting, but the output of new rubber is low, and the output in the northeast is gradually released. According to Reuters data, the rainfall in the country is expected to increase month on month in the next two weeks, of which the rainfall in the South will reach about 10mm per day, or affect the output of glue; Vietnam’s main production area has good weather and smooth rubber cutting, but the output is less than half; China’s domestic area: Yunnan has been fully cut, and the output is normal. The delayed cutting in Hainan is slightly higher than expected. We need to pay attention to the subsequent material conditions, especially powdery mildew. The market is expected to increase significantly in the middle of May. Demand side: with the arrival of the off-season of consumption in the middle of the year, coupled with the continuous impact of public health events, it is difficult for rubber in Shanghai and other places to leave the warehouse, the circulation of raw materials and finished products in many places in China is blocked, the export demand decreases and it is difficult to recover in the short term; Heavy truck distribution and sales data show that all three major demands have weakened significantly; The slowdown of internal and external demand leads to heavy finished product inventory of tire enterprises, great pressure to go to the warehouse, and the commencement of enterprises is affected. Moreover, the May Day holiday is approaching, and the commencement rate is expected to decline. Inventory: the data show that as of April 25, 2021, the inventory of natural rubber in Qingdao free trade zone was 79300 tons, a decrease of 35000 tons compared with last week and a decrease of 4.27% month on month; The natural rubber inventory outside the bonded area was 297100 tons, a decrease of 9700 tons compared with last week, a decrease of 3.17% month on month. Among them, the destocking speed of dark glue is slightly faster. The market is expected to continue to slow down in the second quarter due to the slowdown in demand. Import and export: the data show that in March 2022, China imported 668000 tons of natural and synthetic rubber (including latex), down 6% from 711000 tons in the same period in 2021. From January to March 2022, China imported 1.861 million tons of natural and synthetic rubber (including latex), an increase of 3.9% over 1.791 million tons in the same period in 2021.


Figure 3: trend chart of mainstream international crude oil prices in April 2022


Macro analysis: on the macro level, since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the oil price has continued to fluctuate at a high level under the expectation of tight supply. April was basically the logic of shock rise. According to the monitoring of business society, WTI crude oil rose by more than 5% in April as of April 28. According to the analysis of business society, there are many factors interfering with the oil market in the short term. Recently (May 5), there is a resolution from the interest rate meeting of the Federal Reserve. In addition, it also depends on the monthly meeting of OPEC. At the same time, we need to pay attention to the trend of China’s public health events. In the short term, the negative interest rate will be disturbed, and the probability will be generally controlled by the end of the second quarter, which will support oil prices in the future. Thirdly, the most critical thing is the expectation that Russian oil will fall sharply under sanctions in the future, which will be the main driving force for the rise of oil prices.


Recent industrial hot spots: 1. The Thai Academy of industry revealed that the production capacity of export-oriented vehicles in March 2022 was 93840, a year-on-year decrease of 10.21%, which reduced the production capacity of export-oriented vehicles by 5.81% in the first quarter of this year, about 243124. Surapong, vice chairman of the Thai Institute of industry and head of the automotive industry group, added that the insufficient supply of semiconductor components for some passenger cars had reduced the shipment volume in major passenger car export markets including Asia, Australia and Europe, and stressed the need to pay close attention to the progress of the situation and the impact of the rise in raw material prices.


2. In the first quarter of 2022, Thailand exported 928000 tons of natural rubber (excluding composite rubber), an increase of 7% year-on-year. Among them, the total export of standard glue was 454000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 18%; The export of cigarette glue was 141000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 13%; Latex exports were 313000 tons, down 11% year-on-year. In the first quarter, the total export of natural rubber and mixed rubber was 1.268 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 6%; The total export to China was 650000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 4%.


3. According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of statistics, the output of rubber tire covers in China in March 2022 was 81.263 million, a year-on-year decrease of 1.5%. From January to March, the output of rubber tire casing decreased by 3.7% over the same period of last year to 206.323 million. In March, China’s synthetic rubber output was 676000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 6.4%. China’s cumulative output of synthetic rubber from January to march was 1.831 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.7%.


4. LMC automotive reported that in March 2022, global light vehicle sales fell by 14% year-on-year to 7.2 million vehicles. The US market continues to face tight inventory and high vehicle transaction prices. The sales volume in the Chinese market remains strong to a certain extent, and the global supply chain problem still limits the sales performance.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

5. The national passenger car market will be affected by the downturn in consumption in 2022, the Federation of passenger cars issued a document on the 19th. In the first quarter, the national passenger car market retailed 4.915 million vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 4.5%, and the overall trend was lower than expected. Among them, the sales volume of traditional fuel vehicles was 3.85 million, a year-on-year decrease of 18%, and the domestic retail sales of new energy vehicles was 1.07 million, a year-on-year increase of 146.6%. About the second quarter: the loss caused by the temporary standstill of the automobile industry chain caused by public health events is huge, and the impact of the supply interruption of secondary parts will seriously affect the sales volume in the second quarter.


6. European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) data show that in March, EU passenger car sales fell 20.5% year-on-year to 844187. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine further exacerbated the continuous supply chain interruption and had a negative impact on automobile production. All four major markets of the EU decreased: Italy (- 24.4%), France (- 17.3%), Spain (- 11.6%) and Germany (- 4.6%).


7. ANRPC released a report in March, which predicted that in 2022, the global output of natural rubber is expected to increase by 2.3% year-on-year to 14.292 million tons. In March, the global output of natural rubber is expected to increase by 4.9% to 954000 tons. In the first quarter, the global output of natural rubber is expected to decrease by 1.1% to 3.186 million tons; In 2022, the global consumption of natural rubber is expected to increase by 2.2% year-on-year to 14.643 million tons. In March, the global consumption of natural rubber is expected to increase slightly by 0.1% to 1.288 million tons. In the first quarter, the global consumption of natural rubber is expected to decrease by 0.8% to 3.549 million tons.


8. According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs on April 13, China imported 668000 tons of natural and synthetic rubber (including latex) in March 2022, down 6% from 711000 tons in the same period in 2021. From January to March 2022, China imported 1.861 million tons of natural and synthetic rubber (including latex), an increase of 3.9% over 1.791 million tons in the same period in 2021.


Future forecast: the expectation of reduced economic growth is superimposed on the continuous impact of public health events, the demand slows down, the circulation system in many places is blocked, the delivery and delivery are difficult, the pressure on spot finished products continues to increase, and the start-up of enterprises is obviously suppressed. Although it is still in the low production period of new rubber, the output is also in a slow rising period, and the downstream demand is limited and the inventory is high. It is expected that the natural rubber market will continue to be weak and volatile in the future.

In April, the domestic market price of neopentyl glycol fell by 1.13%

1、 Price trend


gamma polyglutamic acid agriculture grade

As can be seen from the above figure, the domestic market price of neopentyl glycol fell slightly this month, and the average price of domestic mainstream market price of neopentyl glycol fell from 17733.33 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month to 17533.33 yuan / ton at the end of the month, down 200 yuan / ton, or 1.13%. On April 29, the commodity index of neopentyl glycol was 84.50, unchanged from yesterday, down 18.44% from the highest point of 103.61 in the cycle (2021-09-22), and up 31.50% from the lowest point of 64.26 on January 3, 2022. (Note: the period refers to the period from September 1, 2021 to now).


2、 Market analysis


The quotation of mainstream manufacturers of neopentyl glycol fell slightly this month: the distribution price of Shanghai Qihua Wanhua neopentyl glycol at the end of the month was 17300 yuan / ton, which was 200 yuan / ton lower than that at the beginning of the month; The selling price of Jinan aochen Wanhua neopentyl glycol at the end of the month was 17800 yuan / ton, which increased by 100 yuan / ton compared with the beginning of the month; The selling price of Shandong Zhiying Jihua neopentyl glycol at the end of the month was 17500 yuan / ton, which was 500 yuan / ton lower than that at the beginning of the month


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

From the upstream raw material market of neopentyl glycol, the domestic isobutyraldehyde market price has twists and turns this month. The quotation first fell from 13566.67 yuan / ton on April 1 to 13066.67 yuan / ton on April 6, down 3.69%, then rose to 14600.00 yuan / ton on April 11, up 11.73%, and finally fell to 14166.67 yuan / ton on April 30, down 2.97%. Overall, the isobutyraldehyde market rose slightly this month, up 4.42% for the whole month. There is a downward trend at the end of the month. The market price of upstream raw materials rose slightly, which had a positive impact on the price of neopentyl glycol due to the influence of supply and demand.


3、 Future forecast


The overall trend of neopentyl glycol market in the middle and early days of may may may decline slightly. The upstream isobutyraldehyde market has a downward trend at the end of the month, the cost support is weakened, the downstream coating market is general, and the downstream procurement enthusiasm is weak. Analysts of neopentyl glycol of business society believe that the short-term neopentyl glycol market may decline slightly under the influence of supply and demand and raw materials.

In April, the price of domestic fuel oil 180CST decreased slightly

1、 Price data


According to the data of business agency, as of April 28, the average price of domestic fuel oil 180CST was 6310.00 yuan / ton, down 1.25% from 6390.00 yuan / ton at the beginning of the month.


Gamma Polyglutamic acid food grade

On April 28, the fuel oil commodity index was 127.80, unchanged from yesterday, down 2.47% from the highest point of 131.04 in the cycle (2022-03-24), and up 177.34% from the lowest point of 46.08 on August 15, 2016. (Note: the period refers to the period from September 1, 2011 to now)


2、 Analysis of influencing factors


The price of domestic fuel oil 180CST fell this month, and the high price of domestic marine oil raw materials supported the cost of fuel oil 180CST. According to the business agency, as of April 28, the self raised low sulfur quotation of 180 CST fuel oil and 6300 yuan / ton of 120 CST fuel oil in Zhoushan area were 6200 yuan / ton; The quotation of 180 CST self extracting low sulfur fuel oil in Shanghai is 6400 yuan / ton, and the quotation of 120 CST self extracting low sulfur fuel oil is 6500 yuan / ton.


The international crude oil shock in April was mainly due to the lower than expected increase in U.S. commercial crude oil inventories. The market is still dominated by concerns about tight global oil supply in the future. The market is intertwined with long and short, the global economic recovery slows down, the Federal Reserve’s expectation of raising interest rates rises, and the domestic epidemic suppresses demand, and oil prices are under pressure. On the other hand, the EU is considering imposing an oil ban on Russia, tightening supply expectations, limiting the decline in oil prices, and the recent crude oil price range has fluctuated.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

Singapore’s fuel oil inventory decreased, which supported fuel oil prices. It is understood that the Singapore enterprise development authority (ESG): as of the week of April 27, Singapore’s fuel inventory decreased by 3.959 million barrels to a seven month low of 19.144 million barrels. As of the week of April 27, Singapore’s light distillate oil inventory increased by 268000 barrels to 13.266 million barrels, the highest since March 30. As of the week of April 27, Singapore’s medium distillate stocks fell 1.98 million barrels to a three week low of 7.043 million barrels.


3、 Future forecast


The international crude oil price fluctuates, and the cost of ship fuel market is high. At present, the ship fuel market is mainly stable temporarily. Affected by the epidemic, the transportation of ship fuel market is blocked, the market wait-and-see mood is strong, the market just needs to be dominated, and the overall transaction is light. At present, the low sulfur market price of fuel oil 180CST is about 6200-6300 yuan / ton, and the low sulfur market price of fuel oil 120cst is about 6300-6400 yuan / ton. It is expected that the fuel oil 180CST market may be dominated by consolidation in the near future.

The rebound in crude oil prices pushed up PTA prices

According to the price monitoring of business agency, the domestic PTA market rose slightly on April 27, with the average market price of 6240 yuan / ton, up 0.70% from the previous day and 33.88% year-on-year. PTA futures 2209 closed 6124, up 124, or 2.07%.


Gamma Polyglutamic acid food grade

The 1.2 million ton PTA unit of Zhongtai Petrochemical began to heat up on April 24 and has not been discharged yet. The 1.2 million ton unit of hailun Petrochemical stopped on April 26, and the restart time is to be determined. The 1 million ton unit of chuanneng chemical stopped on April 13 and is planned to restart around the middle of May. At present, the start-up of the industry has increased to around 73%.


The price of international crude oil futures rose significantly. On April 26, the settlement price of the main contract of WTI crude oil futures in the United States was US $101.70/barrel, up US $3.16 or 3.21%; The settlement price of the main contract of Brent crude oil futures was US $104.99/barrel, up US $2.67 or 2.61%. Investors weighed the impact of the epidemic situation and anti epidemic blockade measures in some Asian countries and regions on the prospects of economic growth and energy demand, as well as the expectation of tightening energy supply caused by the Russian Ukrainian war, and the oil price rebounded.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

The downstream demand was weak, and the product inventory accumulation and loss of polyester factory increased. According to statistics, as of April 22, the inventory of POY, FDY, DTY and staple fiber were 32.3 days, 30.8 days, 36.4 days and 12.8 days respectively, all at a high level in recent years. At the same time, the transportation of raw materials in some factories is difficult, and the polyester load is gradually reduced, from 87% in early April to around 77%.


Business analysts believe that the rebound in crude oil prices pushed up PTA, but the overall operating load of polyester in the downstream was low. Before May Day, the actual demand recovered slowly, and the market continued to follow the cost fluctuation in the short term and rose cautiously.

In April, the propane market price fluctuated in an “M” shape

In April, the domestic propane market fluctuated frequently as a whole, and the price center of Shandong market shifted downward, showing an “m” shape trend as a whole. According to the data monitoring of business agency, the average price of propane in Shandong market was 6698.25 yuan / ton on April 1 and 6613.25 yuan / ton on April 26. The decline range in the month was 1.27%, up 44.77% compared with the same period last year.


gamma polyglutamic acid fertiliser(fertilizer) grade

As of April 26, the mainstream prices of propane in different regions in China are as follows:

Region, April 22nd

South China, 6350-6450 yuan / ton

North China, 6400-6700 yuan / ton

Shandong Province, 6450-6650 yuan / ton

Northeast China, 6100-6600 yuan / ton

In April, the overall fluctuation range of domestic propane market was limited, and the price fluctuated in a narrow range. The trend of Shandong propane Market showed an “m” shape in the month. At the beginning of April, the CP price rise was introduced in April and affected by the Qingming holiday. The demand for inventory and replenishment before and after the downstream Festival helped the rise of propane market price. However, with the downstream delisting after the festival, the international crude oil went down and the market mentality was bad. The manufacturer’s shipment was blocked and the profit delivery was mainly made. In the middle of the month, driven by the rebound of international crude oil, the propane Market followed the rise. By the end of the month, the market was still restrained by insufficient terminal demand, the market trading atmosphere was limited, and the market price of propane in Shandong fell back to weakness.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

Saudi Aramco announced in April 2022 that both propylene and butane increased. Propane was 940 USD / T, up 45 USD / T from the previous month; Butane is 960 US dollars / ton, up 40 US dollars / ton compared with the previous month.


Near the end of the month, the domestic propane markets in the South and North are mainly horizontal consolidation, and the price fluctuation is small. The decline of international crude oil prices is bad for the market mentality, but the May Day holiday is coming, the market trading atmosphere is mild, and the price before the festival is relatively strong. It is expected that the price of propane market will continue to consolidate in the short term.

The price of refined petroleum coke rebounded after falling this week (4.18-4.24)

1、 Price data


gamma polyglutamic acid agriculture grade

According to the bulk list data of business society, the price of petroleum coke of local refiners rebounded after falling this week. On April 24, the average price of Shandong market was 5198.75 yuan / ton, down 0.05% from 5201.25 yuan / ton on April 18.


On April 24, the commodity index of petroleum coke was 404.35, up 0.58 points from yesterday, down 0.29% from the highest point 405.52 in the cycle (2022-04-17), and up 504.50% from the lowest point 66.89 on March 28, 2016. (Note: the period refers to the period from September 30, 2012 to now)


2、 Analysis of influencing factors


The price of petroleum coke in refineries rebounded after falling this week, and the trading improved in the second half of the week. Refinery shipments were positive, downstream carbon enterprises purchased before the festival, and the local coking price was partially corrected.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

Upstream: the international crude oil price fluctuates, the market is intertwined, the global economic recovery slows down, the Fed’s interest rate hike is expected to heat up, and the domestic epidemic depresses demand, and the oil price is under pressure. On the other hand, the EU is considering imposing an oil ban on Russia, tightening supply expectations, limiting the decline in oil prices, and the recent crude oil price range has fluctuated.


Downstream: the price of calcined coke rose this week; The market price of metallic silicon has been lowered; The price of downstream electrolytic aluminum fluctuated. As of April 24, the price was 21810.00 yuan / ton.


Petroleum coke analysts of business agency believe that: the high price of international crude oil fluctuates, and the price cost of petroleum coke is supported by local refining; Refinery shipments were positive, downstream carbon enterprises purchased before the festival, and the local coking price was partially corrected. It is expected that the price of petroleum coke may rise slightly in the near future.

Cost support polyethylene market price is strong

According to the data monitoring of business agency, the average ex factory price of LLDPE (7042) in East China was 9180.00 yuan / ton on April 17 and 9220.00 yuan / ton on April 24. The increase rate in the week was 0.44%, up 4.42% compared with March 1.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

According to the data monitoring of business agency, the average ex factory price of LDPE (2426h) in East China was 11850.00 yuan / ton on April 17 and 11850.00 yuan / ton on April 24. The price remained stable during the week, up 2.01% from March 1.


According to the data monitoring of business agency, the average ex factory price of HDPE (5000S) in East China was 9883.33 yuan / ton on April 17 and 9883.33 yuan / ton on April 24. The price remained stable during the week, up 7.62% from March 1.


This week, the price of polyethylene in the domestic spot market was strong and the overall fluctuation range was small. The three major varieties in East China all rose steadily, among which the LLDPE market was stable and upward, and the LDPE and HDPE markets were sideways. This week, the international crude oil price fluctuated and rose, which brought some positive support to the market in terms of cost. In addition, currently in the maintenance season, there is little pressure on market supply. However, there is no significant change in terminal demand, the downstream maintains replenishment on demand, and the market trading atmosphere is still limited. The merchant’s mentality is general, and the price has not been significantly adjusted for the time being.


This week, Liansu futures market fluctuated downward, bringing Limited benefits to the spot market. On April 22, the opening price of polyethylene futures 2209 was 8955, the highest price was 8968, the lowest price was 8854, the closing price was 8872, the former settlement price was 8954, the settlement price was 8905, down 82, or 0.92%, the trading volume was 321826, the position was 260546, and the daily position was increased by 10838. (quotation unit: yuan / ton)


At present, the support brought by the cost to the market is relatively obvious. In the later stage, there is still a reduction expectation in the market supply of polyethylene market, and the pressure on the market supply is small, but the continued weak demand has significantly restrained the market. It is expected that the price of PE spot market will continue to be adjusted in a narrow range in the short term.

The market price of propylene oxide rose slightly this week (4.18-4.21)

According to the monitoring data of business agency, as of April 21, the average price of propylene oxide enterprises was 11666.67 yuan / ton, up 0.86% from Monday, down 3.05% from March 21, and up 2.64% year-on-year in a three-month cycle.


Gamma Polyglutamic acid Gamma PGA

The propylene oxide market rose this week. Recently, the price of raw material propylene has been adjusted and operated, the price of liquid chlorine has increased, and the cost pressure is obvious, which supports the price support mentality of manufacturers. The supply side is mainly stable, the demand side is generally in general, and the focus of market negotiation has increased slightly. On the 21st, the mainstream price of propylene oxide Market in Shandong is around 11100-11300 yuan / ton.


Upstream propylene, on the 20th, the propylene market was recently consolidated and operated. The mainstream price of propylene in Shandong was 8450-8550 yuan / ton. The overall upward trend of crude oil on the cost side has played a certain supporting role for propylene, but the cost pressure of downstream polypropylene has not decreased, the demand is flat, and the commencement is limited. At the same time, other downstream products of propylene are in general, and the propylene market is deadlocked under the drag of demand.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

For downstream propylene glycol, on April 20, the reference price of propylene glycol was 11600.00, a decrease of 17.92% compared with April 1 (14133.33).


The propylene oxide analyst of business society believes that at present, the cost support is strong, and the supply and demand support is slightly weak to restrain the increase. However, with the replenishment demand in the downstream before May Day, it is expected that the propylene oxide market may be sorted out in the short term, and more attention should be paid to the changes of raw material prices.

Supply and demand are not good, and the price of baking soda is adjusted

1、 Price trend


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

According to the monitoring data of business society, the price of baking soda is stable and dynamic. At present, the average market price of baking soda is 2526.67 yuan / ton. On April 19, the commodity index of baking soda was 167.70, unchanged from yesterday, down 28.89% from the highest point 235.84 in the cycle (2021-11-10), and up 89.99% from the lowest point 88.27 on December 22, 2020. (Note: the period refers to the period from September 1, 2020 to now)


2、 Market analysis


Gamma Polyglutamic acid food grade

According to the business agency, the price of baking soda is stable and dynamic, and the demand in the downstream market is general in the near future. At present, the price of baking soda in Henan is about 2500-2700 yuan / ton. Raw materials: at present, the average market price of soda ash is 2612.5 yuan / ton, unchanged from the previous trading day, with a year-on-year increase of 49.12%. Soda ash price consolidation and operation, and appropriate purchase in the downstream. The trading atmosphere of the market is general. Affected by public health events and transportation, it is comprehensively expected that soda ash will be stable and dynamic.


Demand: in the downstream, the demand for baking soda in medicine, textile and food is general. The price of raw materials and soda ash has been adjusted and operated, and the downstream glass has warmed up a little recently. The market trading atmosphere is mild, the enterprise shipment is acceptable, and the soda ash finishing and operation market is comprehensively expected. In the downstream, the demand for baking soda in medicine, textile and food is generally in the near future. Generally speaking, the price of baking soda may maintain the consolidation operation in the short term, depending on the demand of the downstream market.