Organic phosphorus products consistently offer strong

Organic phosphorus products consistently offer strong

Ethyl chloride prices up to 16 thousand yuan / ton, resulting in Phoxim and chlorpyrifos TC TC offer up the end of the month,  chlorpyrifos TC physical price reported 26 thousand yuan / ton,  phoxim technical reported 25 thousand yuan / ton; malathion production capacity is relatively concentrated,  stable prices in 17 thousand and 500 yuan / ton.

In case of amide herbicides offer strong rising trend.

potassium persulphate

Metolachlor TC reported 24 thousand and 500 yuan / ton,


Propisochlor technical report 24 thousand yuan / ton, while TC reported 35 thousand and 500 yuan / tonacetochlor offer 20 thousand yuan / ton,  manufacturers to receivables, did not give a certain light storage prices upstream intermediate aniline,