Inventory pressure, propylene glycol prices fell slightly

According to the monitoring data of the business agency, as of August 26, the average ex factory price of domestic propylene glycol was 7966.67 yuan / ton, which was 33 yuan / ton lower than that on August 21 last weekend, a decrease of 1.65%


Gamma Polyglutamic acid Cosmetic

Propylene glycol belongs to the chemical plate product is a chemical reagent


Propylene glycol is a colorless, viscous and stable water absorbing liquid of organic alcohol. It is almost tasteless, odorless, flammable and low toxic. It is miscible with water, ethanol and various organic solvents, and its chemical formula is c3h8o2. Under normal conditions, it is colorless and viscous liquid, almost tasteless, slightly sweet, with a boiling point of 187.3 ℃. Melting point – 60 ℃. The relative density was 1.0381 (20 / 20 ℃).


At the beginning of the week, domestic propylene glycol market was weak and fell slightly


On the 24th of this week, the domestic propylene glycol market broke the weak stable trend of several days, and the market price decreased slightly. At present, driven by the upstream raw materials, propylene glycol manufacturers intend to strengthen the quotation. However, at the end of last week, with the increase of ship port arrival and the increase of on-site inventory, under the pressure of inventory, the price of propylene glycol in Shandong Province was reduced by 100-200 yuan / ton. At present, the 90 month effect of downstream demand has not yet appeared, basically maintaining the rigid demand procurement, and the replenishment volume has little change. The price of propylene oxide is high and stable, which supports the cost of propylene glycol. After a small decline in the market, the propylene glycol market has maintained a weak and stable operation in recent two days.


The current market prices of propylene glycol in some areas of China are attached (data for reference only, unit: yuan / ton)

Gamma Polyglutamic Acid


Product name up and down on 8 / 21 / 8 / 26

Propylene glycol East China 8100 7900 – 200

South China 8400 8200 – 200

Shandong 7900 7800 – 100

Domestic propylene glycol consumption


In China, propylene glycol is mainly consumed in the field of unsaturated resin and polyether, and also in antifreeze, tobacco moisture, cosmetics, coatings, medicine and other aspects. The unsaturated resin industry is the largest application field of propylene glycol in China, with the consumption proportion of about 80.7%, followed by polyether industry, accounting for about 9.7%; in other fields, the proportion of medicine accounts for 1.9%; the proportion of coating accounts for 3.5%; and the proportion of other industries accounts for 4.2%.


Propylene glycol is expected to be stable in the future


At present, the raw material propylene oxide is running at a high level, the cost pressure of propylene glycol is high, and the probability of a sharp decline in the short term is low. It is expected that the main trend is stable operation. However, on the one hand, the import of propylene glycol has always brought a certain impact on the domestic market. Therefore, if the market inventory increases and sales pressure, the propylene glycol market may decline slightly again.

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