Ethylene oxide briefing this week (November 8-november 12)

Ethylene oxide was lowered twice this week, with a decrease of 1100 yuan / ton. At present, the ex factory price of ethylene oxide in East China, North China, South China and Northeast China is 8500 yuan / ton, and that in Central China is 8700 yuan / ton.

Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

The impact of downstream on the market occupies the mainstream factor. Under the influence of “bimodal La Nina”, many places encounter extreme climate, and heavy snowfall occurs in many places in the north, especially in the northeast. The infrastructure industry is basically paralyzed and the demand is cold. In addition, the monomer production capacity is already excess, and the monomer manufacturers are in a difficult situation and dilemma. The upstream ethylene is weak and volatile, and the supply of ethylene oxide is sufficient. The manufacturers have successively adjusted their sales strategies and sold goods with a small profit. At present, the profit margin of ethylene oxide is around 300 yuan.

The demand side pulls the crotch, and the market has a strong bearish atmosphere. Market participants speculate that the price may continue to decline next week, which does not rule out the possibility of manufacturers limiting production to support the market.

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