Toluene prices welcomed the “good start” and followed the rise of crude oil

1、 Toluene price summary:


gamma polyglutamic acid agriculture grade

The quotation of Shijiazhuang refining and chemical company is 6100 yuan / ton, and that of Qilu Petrochemical Company is 6100 yuan / ton,


Yangba offers 6250 yuan / ton,


Guangzhou Petrochemical offers 6300 yuan / ton,


Changling refinery offers 6350 yuan / ton,


Shandong Jingbo Petrochemical offers 7500 yuan / ton.


2、 Fluctuation trend:


3、 Analysis and comments:


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

In terms of crude oil, the number of active oil rigs in the United States this week was 497, an increase of 2 month on month and 198 year-on-year, according to the data released by Baker Hughes on the 4th. The market is worried that the severe cold weather in the United States may lead to the interruption of oil supply, adding to the geopolitical tension, and the international oil price continues to rise.


During the Spring Festival, the crude oil market rose broadly, driving the general rise of relevant commodities, and toluene followed the rise of crude oil. Sinopec raised prices in a wide range, the market actively followed the rise, and toluene welcomed the “good start”.

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