The bidding price of crude benzene with tight supply increased slightly (June 24 to July 1)

From June 24 to July 1, 2022, the bidding price of crude benzene increased slightly, from 7777 yuan / ton last weekend to 7805 yuan / ton this weekend, with a weekly increase of 0.36%.


Gamma Polyglutamic acid Cosmetic

On June 30, the price of international crude oil futures fell. The settlement price of the main contract of WTI crude oil futures in the United States was $105.76 / barrel, down $4.02 or 3.7%; The settlement price of the main contract of Brent crude oil futures was $109.03 / barrel, down $3.42 or 3.04%. The main reason was that the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (opec+) confirmed that its production increase in August was consistent with the previously announced increase, and the supply tension was expected to ease slightly, and the oil price was under pressure.


Summary of Sinopec pure benzene price adjustment (unit: yuan / ton)


Date, Adjusted price, Adjustment amount

June 6, 9500.,+200

June 8, 9700.,+200

June 10, 10000.,+300

June 22, 9800.,-200

June 27, 9600.,-200

The ex factory price of Sinopec pure benzene was reduced by 200 yuan / ton on June 27, 2022, and 9600 yuan / ton was implemented.


Other enterprises: Jingbo Petrochemical quote 9350 yuan / ton, HSBC Petrochemical quote 9300 yuan / ton, Weilian chemical quote 9353 yuan / ton, Xinhai Petrochemical quote 9400 yuan / ton, Hongrun Petrochemical quote 9450 yuan / ton.


Gamma Polyglutamic Acid

This week, the hydrogenated benzene market fluctuated, and the overall price increased slightly. Boosted by the strong crude oil and styrene prices at the beginning of the week, the domestic pure benzene market operated strongly at the beginning of the week, and the market performed well. Later, as crude oil and styrene weakened, Sinopec lowered its listing price by 200 yuan / ton, putting downward pressure on the pure benzene market. The trend of benzene hydrogenation enterprises was basically stable in the first half of the week, and the price was slightly corrected in the second half of the week due to the weakness of pure benzene. As of the weekend, crude oil continued to be under pressure, the focus of pure benzene market negotiation fell, and the market price fell again. The domestic price of pure benzene was 9250-9600 yuan / ton. On the whole, although there are many negative factors in the pure benzene market at present, the downstream demand starts to release with the price of pure benzene falling, and the sales of pure benzene is acceptable. Fundamental crude oil is still in a high consolidation trend, and it is expected that pure benzene prices will remain in a high consolidation trend, with limited downward space, boosted by demand.


The crude benzene market maintained a high consolidation trend this week. Shandong implemented 7880-7885 yuan / ton, an increase of 10 yuan / ton compared with last week. The fluctuations in other domestic regions this week were relatively small, and the overall concentration was 10-50 yuan / ton. In terms of coking enterprises, the recent sharp decline in coke has affected the profits of coking enterprises. Coking enterprises have taken the initiative to limit production. At present, the general production limit is about 30%, and the supply of crude benzene is reduced compared with the previous period. Boosted by the reduction in output, although the basic market this week is slightly under pressure, the bidding price of crude benzene this week remains high and volatile. In the future, the business news agency believes that although the downstream hydrogenation benzene enterprises have suffered losses recently and have some resistance to high priced crude benzene, the recent commencement of hydrogenation benzene enterprises is OK, the demand for crude benzene still exists, and the recent supply of crude benzene is tight. It is expected that the recent trend of crude benzene will be mainly high-level consolidation, with limited downward space.

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